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Tag: green color side effects

Color therapy is also called chromotherapy. Color therapy is frequently encouraged in the well-being of our life. Vibrational Drug consolidates the utilization of essence-energies inside living life forms, for example, plants, gemstones, gems, water, daylight, and sound. Color is...


Money Earning Ideas

Lakshmi Mantra For Money, Wealth, Abundance, & Good Fortune – Maha...

Maha Laxmi Lakshmi Mantra Money Wealth Abundance Good Fortune
The most powerful laxmi mantra for money can create tremendous results to attain Huge Money and Wealth. Lakshmi mantra money wealth creates perfect frequency in...

Switch words For Getting Immediately Desired Job

Switchwords For Getting Desired Job
This Video is very intense and created to get your desired job (if you deserve it). You just need to watch this video to...

20 Abundance And Prosperity Affirmations (Train Your Mind)

20 Abundance Prosperity Affirmations Train Your Mind
The feeling of Abundance and prosperity is a powerful mindset for mankind. It is the birthright of every person but sometimes, we unknowingly get...

Bach Flower Remedies

Vine Remedy Melt Down Dictator, Ruling And Dominating Personality

Vine Remedy Melt Down Dictator, Ruling And Dominating Personality
Vine: Keywords for this remedy are closed-mindedness, dogmatism, grief, holding on, dominating behavior, mental inflexibility, the perpetual teacher, and the domestic tyrant, anger, fight,...

Red Chestnut Releases Your Worry & Over Concern About Your Love...

Red Chestnut: Keywords for this remedy are excessive worry and concern, altruistic, concerns, grief, caring, intrusive and concerned. There are certain types of people who have...

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust

Gentian Release False Illusions With Increasing Faith Courage And Trust
Gentian: Keywords for this remedy are depression at setbacks, lack of faith, mistrust of people and things, false illusions, feeling of ghost present, expect...